Most messages visible in player chat are set up in a customizable file. These messages are located in:
Here, "language" represents the language you prefer. By default, the available languages ​​are en-EN
(English) and es-ES
(Spanish). You can change the language set in lang inside the config.yml file. (You can see the main settings HERE).
If you want to create a new message file to further customize your experience, simply copy one of the existing lang
folders and rename it to your liking. Make sure to also update the lang reference so that the new language is recognized.
The default message files are shown below.
global: "&bDeluxeTeleport &8» "
lobby: "&bLobby &8» "
spawn: "&bSpawn &8» "
tpa: "&bTPA &8» "
home: "&bHome &8» "
player_offline: "&cThe player &b%player% &cis not online."
invalid_arguments: "&cInvalid arguments, usage: &a%usage%"
not_executed_in_proxy: "&cThe server is not being run on a proxy."
in_cooldown: "&cYou must wait &b%time% &cseconds before using this command again."
dependency_found: "&aDependency found: &b%dependency%"
unknown_software: "Unknown server software."
permission_denied: "&cYou need the permission &b%permission% &cto do that."
console_denied: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player."
null_sound: "&cThe sound cannot be empty."
invalid_sound: "&6%sound% &cis not a valid sound."
server_not_exists: "&cThe server &b%server% &cdoes not exist."
reload: "&aAll configuration files reloaded to version &aV%version%. &8(&7%time%&8)"
version: "&fThe version of &bDeluxeTeleport &fis &aV%version% &8(&7The latest version is &a%last_version%&8)."
usage: "&7Use &a/dt help &7for help."
specify_player: "&cYou must specify a player."
in_teleport: "&cYou are already being teleported."
updated_config: "&aDone! Configuration &b%config% &aupdated!"
updating_config: "&aUpdating &b%config% &ato the latest version..."
- "&bDeluxeTeleport &8- &aHelp"
- " "
- "&a/deluxeteleport version &8- &7View the plugin version."
- "&a/deluxeteleport update &8- &7Update the plugin to the latest version."
- "&a/deluxeteleport reload &8- &7Reload the configurations."
- "&a/deluxeteleport help &8- &7Show this help message."
enabled: "&aHabilitado"
disabled: "&cDeshabilitado"
unlimited: "&aUnlimited"
seconds: s
minutes: m
hours: h
days: d
error_plugin_not_specified: "&cYou must specify from which plugin to import data. &aCompatible plugins: &7%compatible_plugins%"
error_invalid_plugin: "&c%plugin% is not a compatible plugin. &aCompatible plugins: &7%compatible_plugins%"
error_data_not_specified: "&cYou must specify the type of data to import. &aCompatible data types: &7%compatible_data%"
error_invalid_data: "&c%data% is not a compatible data type. &aCompatible data types: &7%compatible_data%"
error_unspecified_value: "&cYou must specify a value to reset. &aAvailable values: &7%available_values%"
error_invalid_value: "&c%value% is not a valid value. &aAvailable values: &7%available_values%"
unspecified_player: "&cYou must specify a player to reset the %value% value"
successfully: "&aResetting %value% for %player%..."
error_connecting: "&cError connecting to MySQL: the connection is already open."
error_tables: "&cError checking or creating tables in MySQL."
successfully_tables: "&aTables created successfully."
error: "&aError in the MySQL connection."
connected: "&aDeluxeTeleport connected to MySQL."
error_check: "&cCannot check for updates: %error%."
is_empty: "&cThe latest version is empty."
update_available: "&aAn update is available! &8(&b%latest_version%&8)."
its_updated: "&aYou are updated! &8(&b%latest_version%&8)."
jar_not_found: "&cCould not find the old plugin jar file! Make sure it is named: &b%jar_name%."
downloaded: "&aDownloading the latest update..."
unable_to_deleted: "&cCannot delete the old plugin! You must delete it yourself before restarting."
response_code: "&cThe response code was: &b%code%."
looking: "&bLooking for updates..."
- "&8(&b&l%prefix%&8) &cA new version is available. &e(&7%last_version%&e)"
- "&cUse &a/deluxeteleport update &cto update"
- "&cor you can download it at: &f%plugin_url%"
not_allowed: "&cThe lobby is not enabled."
invalid_type: "&cThe specified lobby type &8(&7%type%&8) &cin lobby.yml is not valid."
invalid_mode: "&cThe lobby mode &b%mode% &cis not valid, use &b%modes%."
other_teleported: "&aTeleported to &b%player% &ato the lobby."
other_teleport: "&aYou have been teleported to the lobby by &b%sender%."
in_cooldown: "&cYou must wait &b%lobby_cooldown_formatted% &cbefore going to the lobby again."
insufficient_money: "&cYou need &a$%money%/%current_money% &cto teleport."
discounted_money: "&f&$%money% &fhas been deducted from your balance."
teleporting: "&aTeleporting to the lobby..."
established: "&aLobby &b%lobby% &asuccessfully established in the world &b%world%."
not_exists: "&cThe lobby &b%lobby% &cdoes not exist."
in_teleport: "&cYou are already being teleported to the lobby."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeleporting to the lobby in &e%lobby_delay_time_formatted%&a."
canceled_move: "&cTeleport to the lobby canceled due to movement."
deleted_canceled: "&6Confirmation time expired. The lobby deletion has been canceled."
deleted_successfully: "&aThe lobby &b%lobby% &awas successfully deleted."
- "&6Are you sure you want to delete the lobby &b%lobby%?"
- "&6Type &aconfirm &6to confirm."
not_allowed: "&cSpawn is not enabled."
not_exists: "&cThe spawn &b%spawn% &cdoes not exist."
invalid_type: "&cThe specified lobby type &8(&7%type%&8) &cin lobby.yml is not valid."
other_teleported: "&aTeleported to &b%player% &ato the spawn."
other_teleport: "&aYou have been teleported to the spawn by &b%sender%."
in_cooldown: "&cYou must wait &b%spawn_cooldown_formatted% &cbefore going to the spawn again."
teleporting: "&aTeleporting to the spawn..."
canceled_move: "&cTeleport to the spawn canceled due to movement."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeleporting to the spawn in &e%spawn_delay_time_formatted%&a."
in_teleport: "&cYou are already being teleported to the spawn."
insufficient_money: "&cYou need &a$%money%/%current_money% &cto teleport."
discounted_money: "&f&$%money% &fhas been deducted from your balance."
established: "&aSpawn successfully established in the world &b%world%."
deleted_canceled: "&6Confirmation time expired. The spawn deletion has been canceled."
deleted_successfully: "&aThe spawn &b%spawn% &awas successfully deleted."
- "&6Are you sure you want to delete the spawn &b%spawn%?"
- "&6Type &aconfirm &6to confirm."
not_allowed: "&cTPA is disabled on this server."
specify_player: "&cYou must specify a player."
himself: "&cYou cannot send a TPA request to yourself."
blocked: "&cThis player has blocked teleport requests."
pending: "&cYou have already sent a teleport request."
pending_request: "&cThis player still has a pending teleport request."
send: "&aYou have sent a teleport request to &b%player%."
teleport_defeated: "&cThe teleport request to &b%player% &chas been canceled."
teleport_defeated_targetplayer: "&cThe teleport request has expired."
toggle_yes: "&aYou are now receiving teleport requests."
toggle_no: "&cYou have stopped receiving teleport requests."
toggle_other: "&aTeleport requests for &b%player% &ahave been &b%status%&a."
toggle_other_targetplayer: "&b%player% &ahas toggled your teleport requests."
deny: "&cHas rechazado el teletransporte de &b%player%."
deny_targetplayer: "&b%player% &cha rechazado tu solicitud de teletransporte."
cancel: "&cHas cancelado el teletransporte ha &b%player%."
cancel_targetplayer: "&b%player% &cha cancelado la solicitud de teletransporte."
no_requests: "&cYou have no teleport requests."
no_requests_player: "&cYou have no teleport requests from &b%player%."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeleporting in &e%tpa_delay_time_formatted%&a."
teleporting: "&aTeleporting to &b%player%..."
teleport: "&aYou have been teleported to &b%player%."
teleport_targetplayer: "&b%player% &ahas been teleported to you."
canceled_move: "&cTeleport canceled due to movement."
in_cooldown: "&cYou must wait &b%tpa_cooldown_formatted%& before sending TPA again."
player_in_teleport: "&cYou cannot receive more requests while you are receiving another one."
target_player_in_teleport: "&b%player% &cis currently teleporting."
- " "
- "&aYou have received a teleport request from &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lWARNING"
- "&7Be careful, do not accept TPA requests from strangers."
- " "
- " "
- "&aYou have received a teleport request from &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lWARNING &8» &7Be careful, do not accept TPA requests from strangers."
- "&7Use &a/tpaccept &7to accept or &a/tpdeny &7to deny."
- " "
- " "
- "&aYou have received a request to teleport to &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lWARNING"
- "&7Be careful, do not accept TPA requests from strangers."
- " "
- " "
- "&aYou have received a request to teleport to &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lWARNING &8» &7Be careful, do not accept TPA requests from strangers."
- "&7Use &a/tpaccept &7to accept or &a/tpdeny &7to deny."
- " "
click_accept: "&a&lACCEPT"
click_cancel: "&c&lDENY"
click_accept_description: "&aClick to accept."
click_cancel_description: "&cClick to deny."
not_allowed: "&cHomes are disabled on this server."
not_exists: "&cThe home &b%home% &cdoes not exist."
exists: "&cYou already have a home with that name."
deleted_error: "&cYou must specify a home to delete."
deleted_successfully: "&6The home &b%home% &6has been deleted successfully."
not_specify: "&cYou must specify a home."
teleporting: "&aTeleporting to &b%home%."
set_error: "&cYou must specify a name to set a home."
set_successfully: "&aYour home &b%home% &ahas been set successfully."
max_count: "&cYou have reached the maximum number of homes you can have."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeleporting in &e%home_delay_time_formatted%&a."
canceled_move: "&cTeleport canceled due to movement."
in_cooldown: "&cYou must wait &b%home_cooldown_formatted% &cbefore teleporting to a home again."
has_no_homes: "&c%player% has no homes."
no_homes: "&cYou have no homes."
homes_of: "&aHomes of %player%: "
your_homes: "&aYour homes: "
global: "&bDeluxeTeleport &8» "
lobby: "&bLobby &8» "
spawn: "&bSpawn &8» "
tpa: "&bTPA &8» "
home: "&bHome &8» "
player_offline: "&cEl jugador &b%player% &cno está en lÃnea."
invalid_arguments: "&cArgumentos inválidos, modo de uso: &a%usage%"
not_executed_in_proxy: "&cEl servidor no está siendo ejecutado en un proxy."
in_cooldown: "&cDebes esperar &b%time% &csegundos antes de volver a usar este comando."
dependency_found: "&aDependencia encontrada: &b%dependency%"
unknown_software: "Software del servidor desconocido."
permission_denied: "&cNecesitas el permiso &b%permission% &cpara hacer eso."
console_denied: "&cEste comando solo puede ser ejecutado por un jugador."
null_sound: "&cEl sonido no puede estar vacÃo."
invalid_sound: "&6%sound% &cno es un sonido válido."
server_not_exists: "&cEl servidor &b%server% no existe."
reload: "&aTodos los archivos de configuración recargados en la versión &aV%version%. &8(&7%time%&8)"
version: "&fLa versión de &bDeluxeTeleport &fes &aV%version% &8(&7La última versión es &a%last_version%&8)."
usage: "&7Usa &a/dt help &7para obtener ayuda."
specify_player: "&cDebes especificar un jugador."
in_teleport: "&cYa estás siendo teletransportado."
updated_config: "&aHecho, configuracoón &b%config% &aactualizada!"
updating_config: "&aActualizando &b%config% &aa la ultima versión..."
- "&bDeluxeTeleport &8- &aAyuda"
- " "
- "&a/deluxeteleport version &8- &7Ver la versión del plugin."
- "&a/deluxeteleport update &8- &7Actualizar el plugin a la última versión."
- "&a/deluxeteleport reload &8- &7Recargar las configuraciones."
- "&a/deluxeteleport help &8- &7Mostrar este mensaje de ayuda."
- "&a/deluxeteleport restart &8- &7Reiniciar el tiempo de de un jugador."
enabled: "&aHabilitado"
disabled: "&cDeshabilitado"
unlimited: "&aIlimitado"
seconds: s
minutes: m
hours: h
days: d
error_plugin_not_specified: "&cDebes especificar de qué plugin importar los datos. &aPlugins compatibles: &7%compatible_plugins%"
error_invalid_plugin: "&c%plugin% no es un plugin compatible. &aPlugins compatibles: &7%compatible_plugins%"
error_data_not_specified: "&cDebes especificar qué tipo de datos importar. &aDatos compatibles: &7%compatible_data%"
error_invalid_data: "&c%data% no es un tipo de dato compatible. &aDatos compatibles: &7%compatible_data%"
error_unspecified_value: "&cDebes especificar un valor para restablecer. &aValores disponibles: &7%available_values%"
error_invalid_value: "&c%value% no es un valor válido. &aValores disponibles: &7%available_values%"
unspecified_player: "&cDebes especificar un jugador para restablecer el valor %value%"
successfully: "&aRestableciendo %value% para %player%..."
error_connecting: "&cError al conectarse a MySQL: la conexión ya está abierta."
error_tables: "&cError al comprobar o crear tablas en MySQL."
successfully_tables: "&aTablas creadas exitosamente."
error: "&aError en la conexión MySQL."
connected: "&aDeluxeTeleport conectado a MySQL."
error_check: "&cNo puedo buscar actualizaciones: %error%."
is_empty: "&cLa ultima versión esta vacia."
update_available: "&aHay disponible una actualizacion! &8(&b%latest_version%&8)."
its_updated: "&a¡Estas actualizado! &8(&b%latest_version%&8)."
jar_not_found: "&c¡No se pudo encontrar el antiguo archivo jar del plugin! Asegurate de que se llame asÃ: &b%jar_name%."
downloaded: "&aDescargando la última actualización..."
unable_to_deleted: "&c¡No se puede eliminar el plugin antiguo! Debe eliminarlo usted mismo antes de reiniciar."
response_code: "&cEl codigo de respuesta fue: &b%code%."
looking: "&bBuscando actualizaciones..."
- "&8(&b&l%prefix%&8) &cHay una nueva versión disponible. &e(&7%last_version%&e)"
- "&cUsa &a/deluxeteleport update &cpara actualizar"
- "&co puedes descargarlo en: &f%plugin_url%"
not_allowed: "&cEl lobby no está habilitado."
invalid_type: "&cEl tipo de lobby especificado &8(&7%type%&8) &cen lobby.yml no es válido."
invalid_mode: "&cEl modo de lobby &b%mode% &cno es válido, usa &b%modes%."
other_teleported: "&aTeletransportado a &b%player% &aal lobby."
other_teleport: "&aHas sido teletransportado al lobby por &b%sender%."
in_cooldown: "&cDebes esperar &b%lobby_cooldown_formatted% &cantes de volver a ir al lobby."
insufficient_money: "&cNecesitas &a$%money%/%current_money% &cpara poder teletransportarte."
discounted_money: "&fSe han descontado &a$%money% &fde tu balance."
teleporting: "&aTeletransportando al lobby..."
established: "&aLobby &b%lobby% &aestablecido correctamente en el mundo &b%world%."
not_exists: "&cEl lobby &b%lobby% &cno existe."
in_teleport: "&cYa estás siendo teletransportado al lobby."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeletransportando al lobby en &e%lobby_delay_time_formatted%&a."
canceled_move: "&cTeletransporte al lobby cancelado por movimiento."
deleted_canceled: "&6Tiempo de confirmación agotado. La eliminación del lobby ha sido cancelada."
deleted_successfully: "&aSe ha eliminado el lobby &b%lobby% &acorrectamente."
not_allowed: "&cEl spawn no está habilitado."
not_exists: "&cEl spawn &b%spawn% &cno existe."
invalid_type: "&cEl tipo de lobby especificado &8(&7%type%&8) &cen lobby.yml no es válido."
other_teleported: "&aTeletransportado a &b%player% &aal spawn."
other_teleport: "&aHas sido teletransportado al spawn por &b%sender%."
in_cooldown: "&cDebes esperar &b%spawn_cooldown_formatted% &cantes de volver a ir al spawn."
teleporting: "&aTeletransportando al spawn..."
canceled_move: "&cTeletransporte al spawn cancelado por movimiento."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeletransportando al spawn en &e%spawn_delay_time_formatted%&a."
in_teleport: "&cYa estás siendo teletransportado al spawn."
insufficient_money: "&cNecesitas &a$%money%/%current_money% &cpara poder teletransportarte."
discounted_money: "&fSe han descontado &a$%money% &fde tu balance."
established: "&aSpawn establecido correctamente en el mundo &b%world%."
deleted_canceled: "&6Tiempo de confirmación agotado. La eliminación del spawn ha sido cancelada."
deleted_successfully: "&aSe ha eliminado el spawn &b%spawn% &acorrectamente."
not_allowed: "&cEl tpa está deshabilitado en este servidor."
specify_player: "&cDebes especificar un jugador."
himself: "&cNo puedes enviar tpa a ti mismo."
blocked: "&cEste jugador ha bloqueado las peticiones de teletransporte."
pending: "&cYa has enviado una solicitud de teletransporte."
pending_request: "&cEste jugador aún tiene una solicitud de teletransporte pendiente."
send: "&aHas enviado solicitud de teletransporte a &b%player%."
teleport_defeated: "&cSe ha cancelado la solicitud de teletransporte a &b%player%."
teleport_defeated_targetplayer: "&cLa solicitud de teletransporte ha vencido."
toggle_yes: "&aAhora recibes solicitudes de teletransporte."
toggle_no: "&cHas dejado de recibir solicitudes de teletransporte."
toggle_other: "&aSe han &b%status% &ala solicitud de teletransporte para &b%player%."
toggle_other_targetplayer: "&b%player% &aha alternado tus solicitudes de teletransporte."
deny: "&cHas rechazado el teletransporte de &b%player%."
deny_targetplayer: "&b%player% &cha rechazado tu solicitud de teletransporte."
cancel: "&cHas cancelado el teletransporte ha &b%player%."
cancel_targetplayer: "&b%player% &cha cancelado la solicitud de teletransporte."
no_requests: "&cNo tienes solicitudes de teletransporte."
no_requests_player: "&cNo tienes solicitudes de teletransporte de &b%player%."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeletransportando en &e%tpa_delay_time_formatted% &asegundos."
teleporting: "&aTeletransportando a %player%..."
teleport: "&aHas sido teletransportado a &b%player%."
teleport_targetplayer: "&b%player% &aha sido teletransportado a ti."
canceled_move: "&cTeletransporte cancelado por movimiento."
in_cooldown: "&cDebes esperar &b%tpa_cooldown_formatted% &cantes de volver a enviar TPA."
no_request_sent: "&cNo has enviado ninguna solicitud de TPA"
no_request_sent_player: "&cNo has enviado ninguna solicitud de TPA a %player%"
currently_in_teleportation: "&cEstas actualmente en teletransporte ha &b%player%"
player_in_teleport: "&cNo puedes recibir más solicitudes mientras recibes otra."
target_player_in_teleport: "&b%player% &cestá actualmente en teletransporte."
click_accept: "&a&lACEPTAR"
click_cancel: "&c&lRECHAZAR"
click_accept_description: "&aClick para aceptar."
click_cancel_description: "&cClick para rechazar."
- " "
- "&aHas recibido una solicitud de teletransporte de &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lADVERTENCIA"
- "&7Ten cuidado, no aceptes tpa de desconocidos."
- " "
- " "
- "&aHas recibido una solicitud de teletransporte de &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lADVERTENCIA &8» &7Ten cuidado, no aceptes tpa de desconocidos."
- "&7Usa &a/tpaccept &7para aceptar o &a/tpdeny &7para rechazar."
- " "
- " "
- "&aHas recibido una solicitud para ir con &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lADVERTENCIA"
- "&7Ten cuidado, no aceptes tpa de desconocidos."
- " "
- " "
- "&aHas recibido una solicitud para ir con &b%player%."
- "&8[&4!&8] &c&lADVERTENCIA &8» &7Ten cuidado, no aceptes tpa de desconocidos."
- "&7Usa &a/tpaccept &7para aceptar o &a/tpdeny &7para rechazar."
- " "
not_allowed: "&cLos homes están deshabilitados en este servidor."
not_exists: "&cEl home &b%home% &cno existe."
exists: "&cYa tienes un home con ese nombre."
deleted_error: "&cDebes especificar un home para poder eliminarlo."
deleted_successfully: "&6Se ha eliminado el home &b%home% &6correctamente."
not_specify: "&cDebes especificar un home."
teleporting: "&aTeletransportando a &b%home%."
set_error: "&cDebes especificar un nombre para poner un home."
set_successfully: "&aSe ha establecido tu home &b%home% &acorrectamente."
max_count: "&cHas alcanzado el máximo de homes que puedes tener."
delay_in_teleport: "&aTeletransportando en &e%home_delay_time_formatted%&a."
canceled_move: "&cTeletransporte cancelado por movimiento."
in_cooldown: "&cDebes esperar &b%home_cooldown_formatted% &cantes de volver a ir a un home."
has_no_homes: "&c%player% no tiene ningún home."
no_homes: "&cNo tienes ningún home."
homes_of: "&aHomes de %player%: "
your_homes: "&aTus homes: "
Last updated
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